Meet Makeup Artist, Shawn Davis
Tell us how you got into entrepreneurship.
I fell in love with my hobby, makeup, and wanted to share my experiences with others.
What’s one of the greatest accomplishments you have achieved in your business and what was key to seeing this success?
Creating and designing my own product line. The key to this success is learning the ability to follow. Learning the needs of my clientele and staying consistent with my style of artistry.
Where do you see yourself in the next 3-5 years?
In the 3-5 years I see myself with my own bridal/makeup studio. Spaces available for makeup applications, product shopping, and teaching
What do you love most about being a CEO Chick?
The connection and networking is unmatched. I like the fact I can build strong relationships with other entrepreneurs.
Who inspires you?
My inspiration comes from my daughters. They inspire me to each my highest goal. The vision of creating generational wealth for my legacy.
What is your favorite book/podcast you recommend to our CEO Chicks?
My podcast of choice is anything that uplifts me. I love listening to Toni Jones.
What advice would you give other aspiring entrepreneurs?
Don’t stop! When no one else sees your vision keep going. Find like-minded people and most importantly believe in yourself.
How has the CEO Chick network impacted your business?
I’m looking forward to this connection and the opportunity CEO Chick will bring to my business. I’m hoping to reach others and inspire them to follow their passion and dreams.
How can people connect with you and your products/services?
They can visit my website or reach out to me on social media!
How can people connect with you and your products/services?
Email: info.dotchaiartistry@gmail.com

Meet General Contractor, Dawn Alexander
Tell us how you got into entrepreneurship.
My 1st business was a road construction company in my 20s as a Civil Engineer with government contracts. Then in my 30s, I became a Certified General Contractor with a Class A license to build any height structure anywhere in Florida.
What’s one of the greatest accomplishments you have achieved in your business and what was key to seeing this success?
Gross sales of $3 million at age 31 with county and state government contracts.
Where do you see yourself in the next 3-5 years?
Federal 8A Certified as a Woman Owned Minority business with a minimum of $5 million in sales providing Construction Management and Consulting Services.
What do you love most about being a CEO Chick?
It’s always been my dream. Now that I am a mom, I love the freedom to speed more time with my only son. I also love the control over my destiny.
Who inspires you?
My mom and my other CEO cousins. Success is almost expected in my family. It’s in our DNA.
What is your favorite book/podcast you recommend to our CEO Chicks?
"Secret." It helps me to stay focused on the power of positivity. Our thoughts become reality.
What advice would you give other aspiring entrepreneurs?
If you choose a partner, make sure you know everything about them.
How has the CEO Chick network impacted your business?
The motivation in the room was the piece I was missing to take my experience to the next level. I was so sad after picking a horrible partner who caused such public humiliation. After 20 years, I am ready to walk in grace and reclaim what God has ordained as mine.
How can people connect with you and your products/services?
Call Me: 904-452-3471

Meet Realtor, Ketia Cayo
Tell us how you got into entrepreneurship.
It started with me a friend turning her hobby into a business that got me thinking I should be able to do that too. I could not quit my career to do freelance makeup artistry so I did both and during that same year 2016 I decided to add to my entrepreneurship endeavors by becoming a Florida licensed realtor and have been doing both since then. I never knew I had it in me.
What’s one of the greatest accomplishments you have achieved in your business and what was key to seeing this success?
The biggest accomplishment I have achieved in my Real Estate business is getting to the point in revenue to surpass my first career income to allow me to be in the position to not have to do both which just happened this summer 2022. The key to me accomplishing this is really first having the Faith that the Lord will give me the strength to do what it takes, have a great support system in my Husband, family and friends to help me to be out hustling to make connections and lastly being consistent to put in the time to pour into the business while working 9-5 on top of being a wife, mother and active in ministry. But it all started with writing the vision and making it plan while in prayer.
Where do you see yourself in the next 3-5 years?
I see myself in 3-6 years enjoying being your trusted Real Estate Specialist, making 6 figures, and being in control of our finances, time, and energy. I want the freedom to do what I love on my schedule and living life how I see fit with my husband and two boys.
What do you love most about being a CEO Chick?
I love the most encouraging our women to be a CEO Chick and growing while doing life with other Dope CEO Chicks/sistas!
Who inspires you?
I am really inspired by my two little boys because they look at me the way I desire to be so it motivates me to be the best version of myself for them.
What is your favorite book/podcast you recommend to our CEO Chicks?
Book: "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and "His and Her Money" podcast I highly recommend.
What advice would you give other aspiring entrepreneurs?
I would share that being an entrepreneur is not for the weak, get your weight up by really seeking what the Lord has gifted you to do and create a game plan that is adjustable to life curves. Believe in yourself like your life depended on it because when it looks impossible you are able to go back to the vision of yourself that God showed you to push and persevere.
How has the CEO Chick network impacted your business?
I’m new to the CEO chick network but it has inspired me especially to see the number of believers doing it right and the wisdom/tips I’ve gained so far I have been able to implement quickly to help.
How can people connect with you and your products/services?
They can call or email me!
How can people connect with you and your products/services?
Website: ketiacayo.com
Facebook: @drketia.felix