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Going into 2021

And just like that the countdown to another new year begins. As I am writing this I’m reminded of a message I taught this past summer, about those who are both prepared and positioned for greatness. In short, I shared the importance of living a principle-based life. One that does not simply mock and mimic the practices of others, but one that, at the core, is aligned with your morals, beliefs and goals. With so many stressors and pressure to perform, that can be more challenging than we think.

While many have negative things to say about 2020, I believe it was positive in many ways. It proved many things for me, personally, as it highlighted areas where I was strong and pointed out areas that required strengthening. And let’s be honest, COVID or not, this is life. The areas I refuse to compromise in are still rewarding me in ways I cannot always explain. To share a few:

1. I’m still checking myself first and checking for fruit. It’s the only way to avoid deception. This helps me avoid only rewarding myself when I achieve a goal. Here are the questions I ask myself ALL THE TIME, that you may want to ask yourself.

  • Are you happy?

  • What are grateful for?

  • What are you striving for?

  • Why are you striving for it?

  • What happens when you achieve your immediate goal?

  • What do you value at this present time?

  • Is it a reflection of how you spend your time? If not, pivot.

2. Seeking wise counsel from those who are experienced experts and teachers. I stopped having the right conversations with the wrong people. Here is how I qualify those I will reach out to for advice:

  • Are they consistent?

  • Are they constantly exhibiting proof of their work?

  • Are they transparent about their struggles?

  • Are they providing solid resources?

3. Create systems around areas you are strong in. I am always talking about dominating in every area of life. I found that having a systematic approach to my work and personal life always helped me assess and reassess processes and evaluate what is functional or dysfunctional. Basically, I have to take the time to slow down and note what practices yielded favorable results.

I literally share this process with my tribe all the time. Everything is a project; a story line in the making. There is a beginning, a goal and an end result. The breakdown goes like this:

  • Who is involved in the process?

  • What is their role? What do they need to complete their tasks?

  • What is the desired outcome?

  • When do we want to see these results?

  • Why do we want to do this project?

  • How will we achieve our desired goal?

I truly believe the key to our success begins with a clear view of self, a supportive tribe, accountability and a solid plan of action. My hope is that you will take everything you learned in 2020 and apply in 2021 in order to experience tremendous breakthroughs! I pray you are prepared for every opportunity and that this new year exceeds your expectations.

Let’s build!

Coleen Otero


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